Tuesday, 8 December 2015

tomorrow both ty classes are going into graften street to sell holly and raise money for the homless.
we also got first years to to make chrsitmas cards for the homeless and we are gathering hats and scarfs also for the homeless
we are also going to mary poppins the musical and then our last day before our christmas holidays we are going off for the day but we are not sure where yet but it is still something to look forward to
well thats the months of december how exciting cant wait.

Monday, 7 December 2015

amber flag day. 

amber flag day was a very successful day. 
in the morning we launched our amber flag website with the presence of briady from liffey champion and ms. smith and ms. barry. 

we then sat around and talked and for the two classes before big lunch the fairies went around to the first years and second year with the amber friendship bracelets that both ty classes made. 
while the fairies were going around the girls that were organizing the bake sale were setting up and getting ready for big lunch when they would be selling the cakes. 
during lunch girls from ty were singing songs in the first year mal and getting  everyone singing and clapping along. 

overall i think everyone enjoyed amber flag day just as much as we did organizing. 
it was a great success.